Updated on 08/02/23
Journaling in recovery can be a very powerful tool in the healing process. While there are a variety of different ways you can use a journal, all methods benefit your recovery. The idea of journaling is not to focus on whether the words flow or even to tell a story. The goal is to help you process your thoughts and feelings in a way that helps you cope with and validate your feelings by getting them out of your head and onto the page. Journaling, in addition to other forms of treatment and therapies, can further strengthen your progress in developing relationships with yourself and others. Let’s take a closer look at how you can incorporate journaling into your recovery regimen.
Identify Triggers
The journaling process is all about reflection. Whether you are journaling about your day, expressing gratitude or just writing out thoughts, the process can help you identify patterns in your life. Such patterns might be good for your recovery, while others might be detrimental to your recovery.
The process will allow you to get an idea of which coping mechanisms are working and which are not. For example, you might experience stress, anxiety or depression after a busy day but might not necessarily know why. However, when you get your thoughts on paper, you can begin to organize your feelings and make sense of your day, emotions and thoughts. Reading back how you feel could help you identify the situations and triggers related to your emotions. Such a practice can help you to identify the situations and emotions that might have caused a trigger.
Identify Self-Defeating Thoughts
In recovery and especially early recovery, you will likely get caught up in negative or self-destructive thoughts at times. Such thoughts could occur after a stressful situation or interaction with somebody. If you do not have a healthy way to process these emotions, you begin to internalize them, which further perpetuates negative thoughts, behaviors and overall perceptions. Some examples of self-defeating thoughts include:
- “I don’t deserve sobriety.”
- “I cannot handle recovery.”
- “Others will never trust me again.”
Your inner dialogue affects your mental health. However, by writing these thoughts down, you can examine your critiques and see how negatively you treat yourself. Realizing this is the first step to start working on a positive self-perception through love, dignity and forgiveness. Not only can you gain self-confidence from doing this, but you may attain more logic and clarity about your triggers and impulses.
Keep Your Addiction Recovery in Check
Journaling in recovery allows you to get in touch with your emotional and personal needs. Journaling consistently is a way of tracking your progress and patterns; therefore, you can become more self-aware. It is beneficial for recovery because seeing these patterns allows you to hold yourself more accountable and keep your recovery in check. When you become self-aware, you will likely recognize when you neglect your needs and when you tend to your needs. This can help you to determine when it might be time to reach out for help. A journal is a perfect outlet to express yourself freely.
Cope with Anxiety and Stress
Anxiety and stress can become difficult to overcome in challenging times. It might be hard to relax your mind, which could interfere with your day’s structure and balance. Additionally, anxiety can cause your mind to race and make it very hard to make sense of the thoughts you are experiencing. Rather than trying to avoid anxiety, journaling about how you’re feeling is a proactive way to manage stress and anxiety.
When you journal during times of racing thoughts, you can then determine which ones are real and which are irrational. It will also help you make sense of your anxiety to focus on what is most important. After a session of journaling, you might find that your stress and anxiety have subsided. Doing so can help you rest better and have more energy throughout the day – which also helps boost your mood and optimism.
Prevent Relapse
A journal is a safe place for you to express your innermost thoughts, feelings and difficulties in recovery. It simply feels good to get all those thoughts out on the page rather than hold them inside. Journaling is a coping mechanism that helps you feel better and helps you become more aware of your emotions. Becoming aware of your emotions helps you better equip yourself to cope with them, thus helping to prevent negative thoughts and behaviors associated with relapse.
A successful recovery relies on using techniques and coping strategies to help reinforce your commitment to sobriety. Journaling is especially helpful, and when combined with other continuing care methods, it can greatly impact your personal growth. At New Hope Ranch in Manor, Texas, right outside of Austin, we work to offer individuals a variety of different coping techniques we are here to help you no matter where you are in the recovery process. If you currently have difficulty managing recovery, then the time to seek help is today. Find out more and call us at (737) 600-8565.